Pro Tips to Cleaning Porcelain Tile 2024

Jun 20, 2024

The unmatched beauty and durability of porcelain tiles capture the attention of tiling experts and enthusiasts alike. Porcelain tiles are the perfect blend of resilience and aesthetic appeal. They are always the top choice among interior designers and homeowners. They bring the utmost grace and elegance to any space, wherever they are installed.

These porcelain tiles have a bright side and a downside. But you can fix the downside. Well, let's talk about the cleaning and maintenance of porcelain tiles. Based on my experience dealing with porcelain tiles, cleaning them and maintaining their pristine look for years to come is difficult. But the bright side is you can make it easy peasy when you follow these pro tips on how to clean porcelain tile like a professional tiling expert.

Today, in 2024, we are all focusing on environment-friendly products to save our planet. So, follow our guide about how to clean porcelain tiles while being kind to the environment. Let's start your reading journey from here and discover how to bring a pristine look and maintain the porcelain tiles for years.

Understanding Porcelain Tile

Before discussing the porcelain tile cleaning process, you should understand how these tiles are manufactured and their properties. Porcelain tiles are just another form of ceramic tile. Yes, what you read is correct. They are crafted from clay that is fired at high temperatures. This process makes them durable and highly resistant to stains, chemicals, and moisture.

Porcelain tiles are available in different varieties of finishes that make them stand out from one another. They can be installed for residential and commercial tiling projects.

Did you know? Porcelain tile finish defines the beauty and usability.

Polished - The polished finish brings the spaces a sleek and modern look. They add great sheen and beauty to the space wherever they are installed. Bring a contemporary and elegant look to your home decor with its shining, polished look. You must be cautious as they aren't slip-resistant.

Matte finish - Matte finish brings a subdued look as it is not highly reflective. They have a good grip and will not frequently catch dust and grime.

Textured finish - This can be your ideal pick if you are a natural lover. They provide good traction and are best for residential and commercial, indoors and outdoors.

Essential Tools and Supplies

It's important to keep all the essential tools and supplies handy when starting the cleaning process of these porcelain tiles. Here is the checklist.

  • A soft brush or a vacuum cleaner to sweep the dirt
  • A good microfiber mop sticks to mop the dust without leaving the marks.
  • A bucket to mix the solution for cleaning
  • Warm water to dilute the cleaning solution
  • Soft or damp cloth to clean spots and wipe away the surface.
  • Grout brush to scrub grout lines and remove the tough stains.
  • Protective gloves to stay safe from cleaning agents.

Preparing the Surface

The deep cleaning process is a crucial step to receiving the best results. Prepare the tile surface before you switch to deep cleaning.

Why preparation is crucial?

Surface cleaning is essential to remove the debris and grime stuck on the tile surface. Removing them helps prevent them from becoming abrasive while cleaning. A well-prepped surface helps achieve a shiny finish, as the cleaning agents will work like magic when the surface is prepared well.

Work on the loose grime and dust particles

Always use a soft-bristle broom or cleaning cloth to sweep the floor. It will eventually pick up loose dirt while mopping. To avoid damage, you can also use a vacuum cleaner. But remember to attach a soft brush while using the vacuum cleaner.

Sweep and vacuum

After sweeping or vacuuming the surface, remove the dust on the tiles using a microfiber mop. This ensures that the dust particles are removed entirely and ready for the following cleaning process.

Professional Cleaning Techniques

If you want to bring a sparkle to your porcelain floor, the following professional cleaning can help make you a pro.


  • Cleaning solution - always check the instructions mentioned by the manufacturer while diluting the cleaning solution. Follow the ratio mentioned and prevent potential damage to the tiles.
  • Mixing - Mix the pH-neutral, eco-friendly porcelain tile cleaner with warm water, which helps dissolve the dirt and grime more effectively.

Mop it correctly

  • Wring out excess water - the water will wring out when you squeeze the mop frequently. Keep the mop neat, as it may pool water on the floor.
  • Follow the pattern - Mop the follow in a pattern like an eight-figure pattern or straight lines. Make sure the surface is covered evenly. Rinse the mop frequently to prevent the cleaned dirt from spreading to other places.

Spot cleaning

For stubborn stains, apply the cleaner, allow it to sit for a few minutes, and then clean.

  • Direct application - Apply the cleaner directly to stubborn stains. Allow the cleaner to sit for a few minutes on the stain before cleaning.
  • Scrub gently - use a soft cloth or a sponge to scrub the surface gently on the stain.


  • Void water frequently - After mopping with a cleaning solution, rinse the floor with clean water to remove any remaining residue.
  • Allow to dry: Use a soft cloth or a dry mop to remove the access water and dry the floor. This avoids spotting and enhances the tile's natural sheen.

Specialized Care for Different Areas

Porcelain tiles can be used in various applications across residential and commercial projects. So, here are the different areas where you can apply specialized care while cleaning.

Porcelain tiles are used in a variety of applications across commercial and residential projects. Check out the different areas where specialized care can be used during the cleaning process.

1. Kitchens

Greasiness is the biggest problem when cleaning kitchen tiles. To avoid making the stains challenging, constantly refresh the kitchen more frequently. Immediate and frequent cleaning of spills prevents the formation of tough stains.

2. Bathrooms

Soap scum in bathrooms leads to the formation of molds and deposits. They need to be cleaned with a mild acidic cleaner. Always ensure that your bathrooms have proper ventilation, as it reduces the risk of mildew buildups and molds.

3. Outdoor areas

Due to changing weather conditions, outdoor areas are more vulnerable to algae and mold formation. Try the pressure washer for soiled tiles to prevent damage to the grout and surface. Sweep them regularly to avoid dirt buildup.

Maintenance Tips for Long-Term Care

Do you want to maintain the beauty and finish of your porcelain tiles to maintain it for the years to come? Here are some excellent tips to keep the sheen of your porcelain.

  • Clean regularly: Sweep them daily to remove loose dirt and prevent scratches. Mop them weekly with a pH-neutral porcelain tile cleaner to avoid grime and dirt.
  • Grout sealing: Apply a quality grout sealer annually to protect against stains and moisture. Spots in high-traffic areas should be sealed more frequently.
  • Avoiding chemicals: Avoid harsh chemicals when cleaning, as they may damage the tile permanently. Instead, use eco-friendly solutions that are safe products and gentle.
  • Using mats: use door mats and rugs at entrances and high-traffic areas to protect the tile surface and reduce dirt.

Troubleshooting Common Problems

Though you care for your tiles, you might still encounter some issues. Here is how to handle them

1. Streaks and smudges

A thorough rinsing of the floor with clean water can remove any cleaner residue that got stuck while cleaning. Dry the floor with a soft cloth to eliminate streaks and bring out the natural shine.

2. Grout stains

Clean the grout with grout cleaner and the grout brush to handle the discolored grout lines. For grout care, you can seal the grout regularly to avoid staining in the future.

3. Scratches

Buff the areas with a polished compound designed for the porcelain tiles for minor scratches. Don’t drag the furniture across the floor; always use the felt pads under the legs.

Summing it up

As the blog mentions, the best way to clean porcelain tiles is possible with the right tools and techniques. Keep your tiles stunning and durable by embracing eco-friendly solutions. You are not just taking care of your home; you are caring for our planet, too. So, enhance your interiors and exteriors with sparkling tiles and excellent comments that come with them.


1. Do I need a particular mop for the porcelain tile?

A microfiber mop is recommended for cleaning porcelain tile, as it effectively captures dust and dirt without damaging it.

2. Is it okay to use bleach on porcelain tiles?

No, bleach isn’t recommended for porcelain tiles, as it can damage the finish and degrade the grout. Use a pH-neutral porcelain tile cleaner.

3. Can hot water damage porcelain tile?

Boiling water can weaken the grout and damage the tile over time. Warm water is the safest option for cleaning.

4. Is vinegar safe to use on all types of porcelain tiles?

Vinegar is acidic and might damage porcelain grout and tiles. It is always recommended that a pH-neutral porcelain tile cleaner be used.

5. What’s the best way to clean dirt and grime from porcelain tile?

Regular sweeping and vacuuming followed by mopping with pH-neutral cleaner and warm water

6. How do I prevent grout from staining when cleaning porcelain tile floors?

Seal the grout lines yearly to avoid colored cleaning solutions that stain grout.

7. What about cleaning textured porcelain tile?

Use a soft bristle brush and a microfiber mop to clean surfaces. Textured tiles need more frequent cleaning sections.

8. Deep cleaning routine

Consider deep cleaning every few months to maintain the finish and sheen. Following the above tips and techniques, your porcelain tiles will stay clean and pristine for years. Happy cleaning!

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